Электрические духовки
Подходит для разогрева замороженных продуктов.
Противень подходит для пиццы диаметром до 30 см.
Таймер до 15 минут, переключатель
2 нагревательных элемента (верхний и нижний), поддон для крошек
173,70 €
Два отдельно регулируемые нагревательные элементы в нижней и верхней частях камеры
376,60 €
2 камеры нагреваются 3 эффективными нагревателями: верхним, нижним и средним (общим для обеих камер)
512,80 €
Фронтальная часть выполнена из нержавеющей стали либо частично из стекла (модели Vetro)
Корпус из стали, окрашенной в черный цвет
Изоляция из минеральной ваты
Подсветка камеры
Дно духовки выстлано шамотным камнем
Тэны в каждой камере (верх и низ)
Регулировка тэнов с помощью независимых термостатов
Диапазон температур: от 50°C до 320°C
Габариты камеры: 410x360x(H)90 мм
Механическая панель управления
840,30 €
Позволяет одновременно выпекать до 3-х пицц размером 600x400 мм, или 3-х пицц Ø450 мм, или более пицц меньшего размера.
Электромеханическое управление
Стеклянная дверца и внутреннее освещение камеры (12 В) позволяют наблюдать за приготовлением пиццы в камере.
Дно камеры выложено шамотом для быстрого и равномерного нагрева камеры.
Отдельные нагреватели в каждом отсеке (верхний и нижний)
Независимый температурный контроль, благодаря специальным термостатам, предназначенным для каждого нагревателя отдельно
Мощность одного нагревателя: 2 кВт
Общее количество нагревателей: 6 шт.
Общее количество термостатов: 6 шт.
Передняя часть из нержавеющей стали
Остальная часть корпуса из стали, окрашенной в черный цвет.
Утеплитель из минеральной ваты
1680,90 €
Диапазон температур: от 45°C до 455°C
Габариты камеры: 720x720x(H)140 мм
Вес: 77 кг
1208,50 €
Диапазон температур: от 45°C до 455°C
Габариты камеры: 2x 720x720x(H)140 мм
Вес: 139 кг
1970,80 €
Диапазон температур: от 50°C до 455°C
Габариты камеры: 2x1080x410x(H)140 мм
Вес: 124,9 кг
2086,70 €
Диапазон температур: от 45°C до 455°C
Габариты камеры: 2x 720x720x(H)140 мм
Вес: 162 кг
2231,60 €
Диапазон температур: от 45°C до 455°C
Габариты камеры: 2x 820x840x(H)175 мм
Вес: 172 кг
2695,40 €
Диапазон температур: от 45°C до 455°C.
Внутренние размеры камеры: 2x1080x720x(H)140 мм.
Вес: 176 кг
Подходит подставка для печи HENDI, код: 227206
2869,30 €
Диапазон температур: от 45°C до 455°C
Габариты камеры: 2x 1230x840x(H)175 мм
Вес: 225 кг
3999,80 €
Material: (housing) stainless steel, (interior) galvanized steel.
For 1 pizza of max.
Ø 33 cm.
Top and bottom heat separately adjustable.
Insulation with rock wool.
High quality pizza oven.
For cleaning we recommend our brass brush (217-1025).
Only clean the fireclay bricks when they are dry and cold, (risk of breakage).
Weight: 31 kg.
Dimensions: W 530mm x T 430mm x H 290mm.
+50/+300 °C.
Conn.: 230 V - 50 Hz - 2,5 kW.
Material: (housing) stainless steel, (interior) galvanized steel.
For 2 pizzas of max.
Ø 33 cm.
Top and bottom heat separately adjustable.
Insulation with rock wool.
High quality pizza oven.
For cleaning we recommend our brass brush (217-1025).
Only clean the fireclay bricks when they are dry and cold, (risk of breakage).
Weight: 48 kg.
Dimensions: W 530mm x T 430mm x H 520mm.
+50/+300 °C.
Conn.: 230 V - 50 Hz - 5 kW.
Material: (housing) stainless steel, (interior) galvanized steel.
For 4 of max.
Ø 30 cm.
Top and bottom heat separately adjustable.
Insulation with rock wool.
Interior lighting and heat-resistant glass windows.
With thermostat and main switch.
High quality pizza oven.
For cleaning we recommend our brass brush (217-1025).
Only clean the fireclay bricks when they are dry and cold, (risk of breakage).
Weight: 84 kg.
Dimensions: W 895mm x T 875mm x H 440mm.
+50/+450 °C.
Conn.: 400 V - 50 Hz - 5 kW.
Material: (housing) stainless steel, (interior) galvanized steel.
For 2 x 4 pizzas max.
Ø 30 cm.
Top and bottom heat separately adjustable.
Insulation with rock wool.
Interior lighting and heat-resistant glass windows.
With thermostat and main switch.
High quality pizza oven.
For cleaning we recommend our brass brush (217-1025).
Only clean the fireclay bricks when they are dry and cold, (risk of breakage).
Weight: 142 kg.
Dimensions: W 895mm x T 875mm x H 735mm.
+50/+450 °C.
Conn.: 400 V - 50 Hz - 10 kW.
Material: (housing) stainless steel, (interior) galvanized steel.
For 6 pizzas of max.
Ø 30 cm.
Top and bottom heat separately adjustable.
Insulation with rock wool.
Interior lighting and heat-resistant glass windows.
With thermostat and main switch.
High quality pizza oven.
For cleaning we recommend our brass brush (217-1025).
Only clean the fireclay bricks when they are dry and cold, (risk of breakage).
Weight: 116 kg.
Dimensions: W 895mm x T 1010mm x H 440mm.
+50/+450 °C.
Conn.: 400 V - 50 Hz - 6 kW.
Material: (housing) stainless steel, (interior) galvanized steel.
For 2x 6 pizzas of max.
Ø 30 cm.
Top and bottom heat separately adjustable.
Insulation with rock wool.
Interior lighting and heat-resistant glass windows.
With thermostat and main switch.
High quality pizza oven.
For cleaning we recommend our brass brush (217-1025).
Only clean the fireclay bricks when they are dry and cold, (risk of breakage).
Weight: 185 kg.
Dimensions: W 895mm x T 1010mm x H 735mm.
+50/+450 °C.
Conn.: 400 V - 50 Hz - 12 kW.
Manual control panel.
Capacity: 1 x Ø 30/34 seal.
Power: 1.40 kW above and 0.80 kW below.
The height of the chamber is 8.5 cm.
Dimensions of the cooking area are 35x35 cm.
Manual control panel.
Capacity: 1 x Ø 45 or 2 x Ø 25 pizzas.
Power: 1.80 kW above and 1.80 kW below.
The height of the chamber is 17 cm.< br />The dimensions of the cooking area are 50x50 cm.
Manual control panel.
Capacity: 1 x Ø 30/34 seal.
Power: 1.40 kW above and 0.80 kW below.
The height of the chamber is 17 cm.
The dimensions of the cooking area are 35x35 cm.
Manual control panel.
Capacity: 1 x Ø 30/34 seal.
Power: 2x 1.40 kW above and 2x 0.80 kW below.
The height of the chamber is 8.5 cm.
Dimensions of the cooking area are 35x35 cm.
Manual control panel.
Capacity: 1 x Ø 45 or 2 x Ø 25 pizzas.
Power: 2x 1.80 kW above and 2x 1.80 kW below.
The height of the chamber is 13 cm .
The dimensions of the cooking area are 50x50 cm.
Manual control panel.
Capacity: 4 x 30/34cm diameter pizzas.
Power: 2.80 kW above and 2.80 kW below.
The height of the chamber is 15 cm.
Dimensions of the cooking area are 70x70 cm.
Manual control panel.
Capacity: 6 x Ø 30/34 pizzas.
Power: 3.65 kW above and 3.65 kW below.
The height of the chamber is 15 cm.
Dimensions of the cooking area are 70x105 cm.
Manual control panel.
Capacity: 6 x Ø 30/34 pizzas.
Power: 5.40 kW above and 4.50 kW below.
The height of the chamber is 15 cm.
Dimensions of the cooking area are 105x70 cm.
Manual control panel.
Capacity: 9 x Ø 30/34 pizzas.
Power: 7.50 kW above and 5.40 kW below.
The height of the chamber is 15 cm.
Dimensions of the cooking area are 105x105 cm.
Manual control panel.
Capacity: 4 x Ø 30/34 (x2) pizzas.
Power: 2x 2.80 kW above and 2x 2.80 kW below.
Chamber height is 15 cm.
The dimensions of the cooking area are 70x70 cm.
Manual control panel.
Capacity: 6 x Ø 30/34 (x2) pizzas.
Power: 2x 3.65 kW above and 2x 3.65 kW below.
Chamber height is 15 cm.
Dimensions of the cooking area are 70x105 cm.
Manual control panel.
Capacity: 6 x Ø 30/34 (x2) pizzas.
Power: 2x 5.40 kW above and 2x 4.50 kW below.
Chamber height is 15 cm.
Dimensions of the cooking area are 105x70 cm.
Manual control panel.
Capacity: 9 x Ø 30/34 (x2) pizzas.
Power: 2x 7.50 kW above and 2x 5.40 kW below.
Chamber height is 15 cm.
The dimensions of the cooking area are 105x105 cm.
Digital control panel.
Capacity: 7 x Ø 30 or 6 x Ø 35 or 3 x Ø 45 pizzas.
Power: 9.15 kW above and 7.63 kW below.
Chamber the height is 10 cm.
The diameter of the cooking area is 100 cm.
Digital control panel.
Capacity: 4 x Ø 30/34 pizzas.
Power: 4.2 kW above and 2.4 kW below.
Digital control panel.
Capacity: 6 x Ø 30/34 pizzas.
Power: 5.4 kW above and 3.48 kW below.
Digital control panel.
Capacity: 6 x Ø 30/34 pizzas.
Power: 5.4 kW above and 3.6 kW below.
Digital control panel.
Capacity: 9 x Ø 30/34 pizzas.
Power: 8.1 kW above and 5.22 kW below.
Digital control panel.
Capacity: 4 x Ø 30/34 (x2) pizzas.
Power: 2x 4.2 kW above and 2x 2.4 kW below.
Digital control panel.
Capacity: 6 x Ø 30/34 (x2) pizzas.
Power: 2x 5.4 kW above and 2x 3.48 kW below.
Chamber height is 15 cm.
Dimensions of the cooking area are 70x105 cm.
Digital control panel.
Capacity: 6 x Ø 30/34 (x2) pizzas.
Power: 2x 5.4 kW above and 2x 3.6 kW below.
Chamber height is 15 cm.
Dimensions of the cooking area are 105x70 cm.
Digital control panel.
Capacity: 9 x Ø 30/34 (x2) pizzas.
Power: 2x 8.1 kW above and 2x 5.22 kW below.
Chamber height is 15 cm.
The dimensions of the cooking area are 105x105 cm.
Manual control panel.
Capacity: 4 x Ø 30/34 pizzas.
Power: 4.2 kW above and 2.4 kW below.
The height of the chamber is 15 cm.
Dimensions of the cooking area are 70x70 cm.
Manual control panel.
Capacity: 6 x Ø 30/34 pizzas.
Power: 5.4 kW above and 3.48 kW below.
The height of the chamber is 15 cm.
Dimensions of the cooking area are 70x105 cm.
Manual control panel.
Capacity: 6 x Ø 30/34 pizzas.
Power: 5.4 kW above and 3.6 kW below.
The height of the chamber is 15 cm.
Dimensions of the cooking area are 105x70 cm.
Manual control panel.
Capacity: 9 x Ø 30/34 pizzas.
Power: 8.1 kW above and 5.22 kW below.
The height of the chamber is 15 cm.
Dimensions of the cooking area are 105x105 cm.
Manual control panel.
Capacity: 4 x Ø 30/34 pizzas.
Power: 4.2 kW above and 2.4 kW below.
The height of the chamber is 15 cm.
Dimensions of the cooking area are 70x70 cm.
Manual control panel.
Capacity: 6 x Ø 30/34 pizzas.
Power: 5.4 kW above and 3.48 kW below.
Manual control panel.
Capacity: 6 x Ø 30/34 pizzas.
Power: 5.4 kW above and 3.6 kW below.
Manual control panel.
Capacity: 9 x Ø 30/34 pizzas.
Power: 8.1 kW above and 5.22 kW below.
Digital control panel.
Capacity: 4 x Ø 30/34 pizzas.
Power: 4.2 kW above and 2.4 kW below.
The door opens from the bottom up.
Digital control panel.
Capacity: 6 x Ø 30/34 pizzas.
Power: 5.4 kW above and 3.48 kW below.
The door opens from the bottom up.
Digital control panel.
Capacity: 6 x Ø 30/34 pizzas.
Power: 5.4 kW above and 3.6 kW below.
The door opens from the bottom up.
Digital control panel.
Capacity: 9 x Ø 30/34 pizzas.
Power: 8.1 kW above and 5.22 kW below.
The door opens from the bottom up.
Digital control panel.
Capacity: 4 x Ø 30/34 (x2) pizzas.
Power: 2x 4.2 kW above and 2x 2.4 kW below.
The door opens from the bottom up.
Digital control panel.
Capacity: 6 x Ø 30/34 (x2) pizzas.
Power: 2x 5.4 kW above and 2x 3.48 kW below.
Chamber height is 15 cm.
The dimensions of the cooking area are 70x105 cm.
The door opens from the bottom up.
Digital control panel.
Capacity: 6 x Ø 30/34 (x2) pizzas.
Power: 2x 5.4 kW above and 2x 3.6 kW below.
Chamber height is 15 cm.
The dimensions of the cooking area are 105x70 cm.
The door opens from the bottom up.
Digital control panel.
Capacity: 9 x Ø 30/34 (x2) pizzas.
Power: 2x 8.1 kW above and 2x 5.22 kW below.
Chamber height is 15 cm.
The dimensions of the cooking area are 105x105 cm.
The door opens from the bottom up.
Manual control panel.
Capacity: 4 x Ø 30/34 pizzas.
Power: 4.2 kW above and 2.4 kW below.
The height of the chamber is 15 cm.
Dimensions of the cooking area are 70x70 cm.
The door opens from the bottom up.
Manual control panel.
Capacity: 6 x Ø 30/34 pizzas.
Power: 5.4 kW above and 3.48 kW below.
The height of the chamber is 15 cm.
Dimensions of the cooking area are 70x105 cm.
The door opens from the bottom up.
Manual control panel.
Capacity: 6 x Ø 30/34 pizzas.
Power: 5.4 kW above and 3.6 kW below.
The height of the chamber is 15 cm.
Dimensions of the cooking area are 105x70 cm.
The door opens from the bottom up.
Manual control panel.
Capacity: 9 x Ø 30/34 pizzas.
Power: 8.1 kW above and 5.22 kW below.
The height of the chamber is 15 cm.
Dimensions of the cooking area are 105x105 cm.
The door opens from the bottom up.
Manual control panel.
Capacity: 4 x Ø 30/34 pizzas.
Power: 4.2 kW above and 2.4 kW below.
The height of the chamber is 15 cm.
Dimensions of the cooking area are 70x70 cm.
The door opens from the bottom up.
Manual control panel.
Capacity: 6 x Ø 30/34 pizzas.
Power: 5.4 kW above and 3.48 kW below.
The door opens from the bottom up.
Manual control panel.
Capacity: 6 x Ø 30/34 pizzas.
Power: 5.4 kW above and 3.6 kW below.
The door opens from the bottom up.
Manual control panel.
Capacity: 9 x Ø 30/34 pizzas.
Power: 8.1 kW above and 5.22 kW below.
The door opens from the bottom up.
Manual control panel.
Capacity: 4 x 30/34cm diameter pizzas.
Power: 2.80 kW above and 2.80 kW below.
The height of the chamber is 15 cm.
Dimensions of the cooking area are 70x70 cm.
Manual control panel.
Capacity: 4 x 30/34cm diameter pizzas.
Power: 2.80 kW above and 2.80 kW below.
The height of the chamber is 15 cm.
Dimensions of the cooking area are 70x70 cm.