Delivery time: 1-5 workdays
Sobib kõikidele veekindlatele pindadele.
Värvitud, lakitud, vahatatud pinnad: puit-,plast- ja klaaspinnad.
Üldpuhastusvahend haiglates, koolides, lasteaedades ja kodus (aknad,laed,seinad,põrandad,peeglid).
Kaasaegne üldpuhastusvahend, mis on kasutatav põrandast laeni.
Tänu antistaatilisele omadustele eemaldab mustuse paremini ega lase sel uuesti pestavale pinnale kinnituda.
Sobib kõigile vett taluvatele pindadele.
Antistaatiline efekt.
Lehti pakis: 200.
Kihte: 2.
Lehe mõõdud: 20,6 x 24,0 cm.
Värv: valge.
Lisainfo: 100% tselluloos.
For removal of various contaminations accumulated in outlets, filters and spoons of coffee machines.
The product also cleans vacuum flasks, hot water urns and coffee pots.
Cleaning using the product should be repeated every 2 weeks or 250 coffee cups.
NOTE: This product does not remove scale.
Use the Extreme Descaler scale remover to remove scale.
8,70 €
For removal of various contaminations accumulated in outlets, filters and spoons of coffee machines.
The product also cleans vacuum flasks, hot water urns and coffee pots.
Cleaning using the product should be repeated every 2 weeks or 250 coffee cups.
NOTE: This product does not remove scale.
Use the Extreme Descaler scale remover to remove scale.
3,20 €
For cleaning of the milk frother in all coffee machines with foaming systems or attachments.
Removes old, crystallised proteins and fat.
Continuously purges the lines.
A bottle with a convenient dispenser.
Highly concentrated rinse aid for dishwashers, assuring shiny tableware.
Removes minerals (calcium and iron compounds etc.) contained in water thus eliminating streaks and traces occurring on dishes.
Suitable for all commercial and industrial dishwashers.
Recommended for glass, ceramic, faience, teflon, enamel-coated, metal (silver, aluminium, steel etc.) dishes.
Safe for hand-painted dishes.
Perfect shine.
Contains organic acids.
No wiping required.
USE: feed through the dispenser, adjust the solution to water hardness, usually 25ml/10l of water.
Expiry date: 3 years from the production date.