Delivery time: 1-5 business days
Water-resistant surfaces (metal, stainless steel, aluminum, plastic, rubber, glass).
Surf X3 biodegradable industrial strong solvent cleaner specially developed for cleaning heavily soiled water-resistant surfaces. Effectively removes oil, mineral oil, soot, soot, grease, grease, marker, rubber marks, etc. The product contains surfactants with solvent properties. Surf X3 is colorless and odorless, is not flammable or fire-hazardous, which is why it is also suitable for use in conditions where the use of conventional solvents is excluded. The product is ready to use. Biodegradable composition (degradable according to OECD criteria).
Vedelseep käte ja kogu keha igapäevaseks pesemiseks.
Teeb puhtaks ka määrdunud käed!
Sisaldab nahka pehmendavaid aineid.
Neutraalne pH.
Meeldiva lõhnaga.
Pärlmutter efektiga.
Sobib kõikidele veekindlatele pindadele.
Värvitud, lakitud, vahatatud pinnad: puit-,plast- ja klaaspinnad.
Üldpuhastusvahend haiglates, koolides, lasteaedades ja kodus (aknad,laed,seinad,põrandad,peeglid).
Kaasaegne üldpuhastusvahend, mis on kasutatav põrandast laeni.
Tänu antistaatilisele omadustele eemaldab mustuse paremini ega lase sel uuesti pestavale pinnale kinnituda.
Sobib kõigile vett taluvatele pindadele.
Antistaatiline efekt.
Descaler and delimer power to remove lime residues and other mineral deposits from kitchen equipment.
Recommended for coffee machines, kettles, containers, chafing dishes, ovens and other devices susceptible to limescale.
IF MANUAL IS NOT AVAILABLE: prepare a working solution of 20-30g/1l of water; fill the device to be cleaned, leave for approx.
20-30 minutes, empty the device and rinse thoroughly with running potable water.
For washing machines: pour 100-150g into empty machine in place of washing powder, for capacity of 6kg turn on washing cycle with rinsing for approx.
20-30 minutes at 60°C.
WARNING: DO NOT EXTEND THE DESCALING TIME, DO NOT USE FOR GALVANISED SHEETS.Chemical product - keep out of reach of children.
The product is intended for professional use.
The manufacturer shall not be liable for damages resulting from improper use.
Expiry date: 3 years from the production date.
For professional use only in large kitchens as a rinse aid for dishwashers and combi ovens.
Prevents water marks and speeds up drying of dishes.
Prevents foam and scale formation in the machine.
Slightly acidic.
Suitable for use with hard water.
Odorless, phosphate-free liquid alkaline concentrate for washing and disinfecting surfaces.
With broad fungicidal and bactericidal activity, inactivates enveloped viruses HBV, HCV; HIV).
Very effective against dermatophytes, yeasts and molds.
Due to the content of surfactants, the product has good cleaning properties.