Delivery time: 1-5 workdays
Kihte: 1.
Lehti pakis: 50.
Lehe mõõdud: 30 x 38 cm.
Värv: valge.
Lisainfo: 100% ebemevaba.
Lehti pakis: 200.
Kihte: 2.
Lehe mõõdud: 20,6 x 24,0 cm.
Värv: valge.
Lisainfo: 100% tselluloos.
Käte, juuste ja keha igapäevane pesemine.
Õrn ja niisutav vedelseep-duššigeel.
Sobib kogu keha pesemiseks.
Sisaldab nahka kaitsvaid aineid.
Neutraalne pH – vastab keha pH-le.
Meeldiva lõhnaga.
Suurköökide ahjude, grillide, pliidiplaatide, suituahjude, kombiahjude ja toostevabast terasest pindade puhastamine.
Raskesti määrdunud pannide / vormide puhastamine.
Ei sobi alumiiniumist, kergmetallist, värvitud, lakitud ja aluselist vahendit mittetaluvate pindade puhastamiseks.
Eemaldab kinnipõlenud, kõrbenud rasva ja teiste toidujäätmete jäägid.
100% natural composition.
For professional use in gastronomy and food industry.
Ideal for: fast food restaurants, gas stations, food trucks, grocery stores, bistros.
Easy and fast removal of organic and non-organic impurities, including oils.
For removing greasy stains, but not burnt stains.
Non-invasive cleaning and degreasing – without any risk of damaging or discolouring the non-stick coating on rolling grills.
Odourless, non-toxic – safe to use in small rooms.
It doesn’t contain VOC (volatile organic compounds) and hydrocarbon solvents.
Certified by NSF N8 attesting safety of use on food processing equipment.
Easy to use: just spray the surface and wipe with a cloth.
Rinse with water after use.
Allowing the stains to soak is not required – it quickly penetrates dirt.
20,00 €
Highly concentrated rinse aid for dishwashers, assuring shiny tableware.
Removes minerals (calcium and iron compounds etc.) contained in water thus eliminating streaks and traces occurring on dishes.
Suitable for all commercial and industrial dishwashers.
Recommended for glass, ceramic, faience, teflon, enamel-coated, metal (silver, aluminium, steel etc.) dishes.
Safe for hand-painted dishes.
Perfect shine.
Contains organic acids.
No wiping required.
USE: feed through the dispenser, adjust the solution to water hardness, usually 25ml/10l of water.
Expiry date: 3 years from the production date.