6,40 €
Manual control panel.
Capacity: 4 x 30/34cm diameter pizzas.
Power: 2.80 kW above and 2.80 kW below.
The height of the chamber is 15 cm.
Dimensions of the cooking area are 70x70 cm.
5,00 €
9,60 €
3,20 €
6,40 €
Both sides are smooth and suitable for use.
11,60 €
Thermo-insulated container with fitted lid for ensuing safety of food products during transport and storage; especially useful in catering and gastronomy establishments, where high resistance to mechanical damage and maintaining constant temperature inside the container are required.
Intended for direct or indirect contact with food during its long-term cooling or freezing, and also during its heating to 70°C for no longer than 2 hours, heating to 100°C for no longer than 15 minutes and storage at room temperature for up to 30 days (depending on the type of food).
Made of black LSP EB Pioclean using moulding technology.
Easy cleaning.
Very light.
Perfectly maintains both low and high temperatures of food.
Extremely resistant to mechanical damage.
Ergonomic handles for easy transport.
Dishwasher safe.Stackable.
Internal container size suitable for GN 1/1 or 600x400 mm trays, depending on the model.
Meets legal and hygienic requirements regarding packaging that has direct contact with food.
Lids also available separately: 707548 for container 707746 and 707425.
707562 for container 707432 and 707456.
31,60 €
24,40 €
Shelf without filling, not adjustable - the distance from the floor to the lower edge of the shelf is 200 mm.
523,50 €
Dimensions 1080x760x550mm.
Power 2.3 kW.
Temperature +10...+100.
Dimensions 500x500x700mm.
Temperature +30...+90.
Dimensions: 1250x720x1800mm.
4 warm shelves.
Temp: +30…+90.
All shelves have a different adjustable thermostat.
El.võimsus:1,5kw/230 v
Soodushinnaga müüa paar korda näitusel kasutuses olnud külmbuffee 1600mm + kuumbuffee
Komplekti hind 4650+km
Jahutatud toidu lühiajaliseks serveerimiseks temperatuuril +3°C kuni +5°C.Mehaaniline termostaat.Külmsüvend mahutab 4x (GN 1/1 150) GN-nõud.Bufeel on valgustusega ülatasapind, mis on ääristatud kirkast klaasist pritsmekaitsmega.Ruumi kokkuhoiuks või bufeega standardsetest ustest läbi mahtumiseks on võimalik abitasapinnad alla kokku klappida.Küljepaneelid on vajadusel kergesti vahetatavad.Bufeel on vastupidavad 360° kraadi pöörlevad “Manner” rattad diameetriga 100mm.
Kaks ratast on lukustatavad.Bufee allosas on kaheukseline neutraalne kapp.
Soebufee on soojade toitude lühiajaliseks serveerimiseks temperatuuril +30°C kuni +90°C.Digitaalne termostaat.Soetasapinnale mahub 3x (GN 1/1) GN-nõud.Bufeel on valgustusega ülatasapind, mis on ääristatud kirkast klaasist pritsmekaitsmega.Ruumi kokkuhoiuks või bufeega standardsetest ustest läbi mahtumiseks on võimalik abitasapinnad alla kokku klappida.Küljepaneelid on vajadusel kergesti vahetatavad.Bufeel on vastupidavad 360° kraadi pöörlevad “Manner” rattad diameetriga 100mm.
Kaks ratast on lukustatavad.Bufee allosas on kaheukseline neutraalne kapp.