Extreme_Milk Frother Cleaner Professional liquid milk frother cleaner, HENDI, 1 L
Cleaner for milk frothers in any coffee machines equipped with frothers or frothing attachments.
Removes old, crystallised protein and grease.
For daily clearing of milk tubes.
Contains phosphoric acids.
Has a descaling effect.
pH 1.
USE: Prepare a solution of 50-100ml in 1l of water, pour the solution into the milk container and start the frothing process.
Rinse the system with water at 40°C.
Mõõtmed: 50x70cm.
Värv: hall.
Sobib kõikidele veekindlatele pindadele.
Värvitud, lakitud, vahatatud pinnad: puit-,plast- ja klaaspinnad.
Üldpuhastusvahend haiglates, koolides, lasteaedades ja kodus (aknad,laed,seinad,põrandad,peeglid).
Kaasaegne üldpuhastusvahend, mis on kasutatav põrandast laeni.
Tänu antistaatilisele omadustele eemaldab mustuse paremini ega lase sel uuesti pestavale pinnale kinnituda.
Sobib kõigile vett taluvatele pindadele.
Antistaatiline efekt.
For removal of scale and limestone infiltrations, as well as other mineral deposits from household appliances.
Recommended for use in coffee machines, kettles, vacuum bottles, furnaces and other devices where scale deposits form.
21,80 €
For cleaning of the milk frother in all coffee machines with foaming systems or attachments.
Removes old, crystallised proteins and fat.
Continuously purges the lines.
A bottle with a convenient dispenser.