Extreme Coffee Lab NEW FORMULA, a professional cleaning powder for bean to cup coffee machines., HENDI, 0,75 kg
For cleaning of coffee machine interiors (grind and brew, pressure, bean to cup types).
Removes hard coffee deposits, also preferred for periodic cleaning - removes stains from china, faience, glaze and internal surfaces of vacuum bottles and heaters.
Vedelseep käte ja kogu keha igapäevaseks pesemiseks.
Teeb puhtaks ka määrdunud käed!
Sisaldab nahka pehmendavaid aineid.
Neutraalne pH.
Meeldiva lõhnaga.
Pärlmutter efektiga.
Käte, juuste ja keha igapäevane pesemine.
Õrn ja niisutav vedelseep-duššigeel.
Sobib kogu keha pesemiseks.
Sisaldab nahka kaitsvaid aineid.
Neutraalne pH – vastab keha pH-le.
Meeldiva lõhnaga.
For removal of various contaminations accumulated in outlets, filters and spoons of coffee machines.
The product also cleans vacuum flasks, hot water urns and coffee pots.
Cleaning using the product should be repeated every 2 weeks or 250 coffee cups.
NOTE: This product does not remove scale.
Use the Extreme Descaler scale remover to remove scale.
57,70 €